Left of Banner: Walton County Seal. Center of Banner: Walton County Florida, Supervisor of Elections. Right of Banner: Headshot of Ryan Messer. His name appears to the left of the headshot above his title - Supervisor of Elections

Vote By Mail (Absentee) Info for Military & Citizens Living Outside of the U.S.

Members of the United States Uniformed Services and the merchant marines on active duty, their spouses and dependents, and United States citizens residing outside of the United States (UOCAVA voters) have additional options available for registering to vote and voting a ballot than those options listed on the Ways to Vote page.

Requesting and Receiving a Vote-by-Mail (Absentee) Ballot:

UOCAVA voters may also request a Vote-by-Mail ballot using the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). The FPCA serves as a combined voter registration and mail ballot request form. It is recommended that FPCA forms be updated on a regular basis to ensure accuracy. The default delivery method for the ballot is by mail; however, for U.S. Uniformed Services members and the merchant marines on active duty and their spouses and dependents located outside of Walton County, or a U.S. citizen located outside of the U.S., you may have your mail (absentee) ballot either faxed or emailed to you in lieu of it being mailed. It is important that you notify the elections office of your preferred delivery method when requesting. Mail (Absentee) Ballots for Military and Overseas Voters are sent at least 45 days before Election Day.

All voters have the ability to track their mail (absentee) ballot status by using the Voter Information Search.

Returning a Vote-by-Mail (Absentee) Ballot

If you are a voter outside of the U.S. (whether military or regular citizen), you also have the option of returning your ballot by fax. By law, we cannot accept voted ballots returned by e-mail. All other voters must return their ballot by mail. If you received your ballot by email or fax and need return envelopes, mailing envelopes can be printed from the FVAP website. Carefully follow the instructions sent to you with your mail (absentee) ballot to ensure that it is counted.

Late Returned Vote-by-Mail (Absentee) Ballots from Overseas Voters:

Per Florida Statute 101.6952(5):

“An absentee ballot from an overseas voter in any presidential preference primary or general election which is postmarked or dated no later than the date of the election and is received by the supervisor of elections of the county in which the overseas voter is registered no later than 10 days after the date of the election shall be counted as long as the absentee ballot is otherwise proper.”

Late Registration:

An individual, or accompanying family member, who has been discharged or separated from the uniformed services or Merchant Marines, or from employment outside the United States, after the book-closing date for an election, and who is otherwise qualified, may register to vote in such election at the Supervisor of Elections office until 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the election. Such persons must produce sufficient documentation showing evidence of qualifying for the late registration pursuant to Section 97.0555 Florida Statutes.

Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB):

The Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot is a back-up or emergency ballot used in the event that the voter does not receive their requested regular mail (absentee) ballot in time for it to be voted and returned to the local election official to be counted.  If the voter does not have access to the hard copy, it is available online at the FVAP web site.

State Write-In Absentee Ballot (SWAB):

No earlier than 180 days before a general election, an overseas voter may also request a state write-in absentee ballot. In the request the voter must indicate that due to military or other contingencies that preclude normal mail delivery, the voter cannot vote a regular mail (absentee) ballot during the normal voting period.